00:00:00.001 Started by user sys_sgci 00:00:00.004 Checking out git https://review.spdk.io/gerrit/a/build_pool/jenkins_build_pool into /var/jenkins_home/workspace/spdk-github-io_script/33b20b30f0a51e6b52980845e0f6aa336787973ad45e341fbbf98d1b65b265d4 to read jbp/jenkins/jjb-config/jobs/autotest-upstream/spdk-github-io.groovy 00:00:00.005 The recommended git tool is: git 00:00:00.005 using credential 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 00:00:00.007 > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /var/jenkins_home/workspace/spdk-github-io_script/33b20b30f0a51e6b52980845e0f6aa336787973ad45e341fbbf98d1b65b265d4/jbp/.git # timeout=10 00:00:00.020 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository 00:00:00.022 > git config remote.origin.url https://review.spdk.io/gerrit/a/build_pool/jenkins_build_pool # timeout=10 00:00:00.040 Using shallow fetch with depth 1 00:00:00.040 Fetching upstream changes from https://review.spdk.io/gerrit/a/build_pool/jenkins_build_pool 00:00:00.040 > git --version # timeout=10 00:00:00.052 > git --version # 'git version 2.39.2' 00:00:00.052 using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials SPDKCI HTTPS Credentials 00:00:00.065 Setting http proxy: proxy-dmz.intel.com:911 00:00:00.065 > git fetch --tags --force --progress --depth=1 -- https://review.spdk.io/gerrit/a/build_pool/jenkins_build_pool refs/heads/master # timeout=5 00:00:02.170 > git rev-parse origin/FETCH_HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10 00:00:02.182 > git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10 00:00:02.194 Checking out Revision de22a1849f9cb02c52186ba0705c11400155f920 (FETCH_HEAD) 00:00:02.194 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 00:00:02.205 > git read-tree -mu HEAD # timeout=10 00:00:02.222 > git checkout -f de22a1849f9cb02c52186ba0705c11400155f920 # timeout=5 00:00:02.241 Commit message: "spdk-abi-per-patch: fix build log process creation" 00:00:02.241 > git rev-list --no-walk de22a1849f9cb02c52186ba0705c11400155f920 # timeout=10 00:00:02.401 [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline 00:00:02.414 [Pipeline] library 00:00:02.415 Loading library shm_lib@master 00:00:02.416 Library shm_lib@master is cached. Copying from home. 00:00:02.431 [Pipeline] node 00:00:06.469 Running on agt-k_github_io_731-32765 in /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io 00:00:06.472 [Pipeline] { 00:00:06.489 [Pipeline] stage 00:00:06.492 [Pipeline] { (Prologue) 00:00:06.520 [Pipeline] echo 00:00:06.522 Node: agt-k_github_io_731-32765 00:00:06.793 [Pipeline] withCredentials 00:00:06.891 > git --version # timeout=10 00:00:06.905 > git --version # 'git version 2.39.2' 00:00:06.939 Masking supported pattern matches of $GIT_USERNAME or $GIT_PASSWORD or $GIT_ASKPASS 00:00:06.942 [Pipeline] { 00:00:06.952 [Pipeline] retry 00:00:06.955 [Pipeline] { 00:00:06.972 [Pipeline] sh 00:00:08.098 + git ls-remote https://review.spdk.io/gerrit/a/build_pool/jenkins_build_pool refs/heads/master 00:00:10.046 [Pipeline] } 00:00:10.068 [Pipeline] // retry 00:00:10.074 [Pipeline] } 00:00:10.094 [Pipeline] // withCredentials 00:00:10.105 [Pipeline] httpRequest 00:00:11.069 [Pipeline] echo 00:00:11.071 Sorcerer is alive 00:00:11.079 [Pipeline] httpRequest 00:00:11.084 HttpMethod: GET 00:00:11.085 URL: 00:00:11.088 Sending request to url: 00:00:11.091 Response Code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 00:00:11.092 Success: Status code 200 is in the accepted range: 200,404 00:00:11.092 Saving response body to /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/jbp_de22a1849f9cb02c52186ba0705c11400155f920.tar.gz 00:00:11.237 [Pipeline] sh 00:00:11.531 + tar --no-same-owner -xf jbp_de22a1849f9cb02c52186ba0705c11400155f920.tar.gz 00:00:11.816 [Pipeline] httpRequest 00:00:11.836 [Pipeline] echo 00:00:11.837 Sorcerer is alive 00:00:11.845 [Pipeline] httpRequest 00:00:11.851 HttpMethod: GET 00:00:11.852 URL: 00:00:11.854 Sending request to url: 00:00:11.859 Response Code: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 00:00:11.860 Success: Status code 404 is in the accepted range: 200,404 00:00:11.860 Saving response body to /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/spdk.github.io_bf5458719e333bd1837788664fb80c3283922afd.tar.gz 00:00:11.866 [Pipeline] sh 00:00:12.157 + rm -f spdk.github.io_bf5458719e333bd1837788664fb80c3283922afd.tar.gz 00:00:12.171 [Pipeline] retry 00:00:12.174 [Pipeline] { 00:00:12.189 [Pipeline] checkout 00:00:12.197 The recommended git tool is: NONE 00:00:13.728 using credential 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 00:00:13.733 Cloning the remote Git repository 00:00:13.736 Honoring refspec on initial clone 00:00:13.765 Cloning repository https://review.spdk.io/gerrit/a/spdk/spdk.github.io 00:00:13.808 > git init /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/spdk.github.io # timeout=10 00:00:13.831 Fetching upstream changes from https://review.spdk.io/gerrit/a/spdk/spdk.github.io 00:00:13.831 > git --version # timeout=10 00:00:13.836 > git --version # 'git version 2.45.2' 00:00:13.837 using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials SPDKCI HTTPS Credentials 00:00:13.845 Setting http proxy: proxy-dmz.intel.com:911 00:00:13.845 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- https://review.spdk.io/gerrit/a/spdk/spdk.github.io refs/changes/19/24119/3 # timeout=10 00:00:24.395 Avoid second fetch 00:00:24.436 Checking out Revision bf5458719e333bd1837788664fb80c3283922afd (FETCH_HEAD) 00:00:23.984 > git config remote.origin.url https://review.spdk.io/gerrit/a/spdk/spdk.github.io # timeout=10 00:00:23.991 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch refs/changes/19/24119/3 # timeout=10 00:00:24.400 > git rev-parse origin/FETCH_HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10 00:00:24.425 > git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10 00:00:24.444 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 00:00:24.450 > git checkout -f bf5458719e333bd1837788664fb80c3283922afd # timeout=10 00:00:25.462 Commit message: "scripts/check_format: add check_format script" 00:00:25.467 > git rev-list --no-walk b3df87d6617fd50411ee8cbcb7f986cc3c0ecb78 # timeout=10 00:00:25.512 [Pipeline] } 00:00:25.553 [Pipeline] // retry 00:00:25.561 [Pipeline] sh 00:00:25.851 + hash pigz 00:00:25.852 + tar -cf spdk.github.io_bf5458719e333bd1837788664fb80c3283922afd.tar.gz -I pigz spdk.github.io 00:00:26.429 [Pipeline] httpRequest 00:00:26.437 HttpMethod: PUT 00:00:26.437 URL: 00:00:26.447 Sending request to url: 00:00:27.812 Response Code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 00:00:27.816 Success: Status code 200 is in the accepted range: 200 00:00:27.822 [Pipeline] echo 00:00:27.824 00:00:27.824 Locking 00:00:27.824 Waited 0s for lock 00:00:27.824 Everything Fine. Saved: /storage/packages/spdk.github.io_bf5458719e333bd1837788664fb80c3283922afd.tar.gz 00:00:27.824 00:00:27.828 [Pipeline] sh 00:00:28.118 + git -C spdk.github.io log --oneline -n5 00:00:28.118 bf5458719 scripts/check_format: add check_format script 00:00:28.118 b3df87d66 github.io: fix newline issues and typos 00:00:28.118 396310721 doc: update to 94a53a53bc28084c32aa697203735d6959a042ec 00:00:28.118 f676d2681 blogpost: 24.05 SPDK NVMe-oF TCP Performance Reports 00:00:28.118 c2c6a8edb doc: update to 27d031cdb2edaddcd88d441c02af289dfee00733 00:00:28.137 [Pipeline] setCustomBuildProperty 00:00:28.147 [Pipeline] setCustomBuildProperty 00:00:28.154 [Pipeline] } 00:00:28.172 [Pipeline] // stage 00:00:28.180 [Pipeline] catchError 00:00:28.182 [Pipeline] { 00:00:28.198 [Pipeline] stage 00:00:28.201 [Pipeline] { (Tests) 00:00:28.238 [Pipeline] sh 00:00:28.530 + jbp/jenkins/jjb-config/jobs/scripts/test_spdk_github_io.sh 00:00:28.530 + cd /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/spdk.github.io 00:00:28.530 + mkdir .jekyll-cache _site 00:00:28.530 + ./_autorun.sh 00:00:28.530 +++ dirname ./_autorun.sh 00:00:28.530 ++ readlink -f . 00:00:28.530 + src=/var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/spdk.github.io 00:00:28.530 + dst=. 00:00:28.530 + jekyll build --source /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/spdk.github.io --destination ./_site 00:00:29.097 Configuration file: /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/spdk.github.io/_config.yml 00:00:29.097 Source: /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/spdk.github.io 00:00:29.097 Destination: /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/spdk.github.io/_site 00:00:29.097 Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental 00:00:29.097 Generating... 00:00:29.356 Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts 00:00:31.260 done in 2.235 seconds. 00:00:31.260 Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable. 00:00:31.260 + mv /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/spdk.github.io/_site /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/ 00:00:31.268 [Pipeline] } 00:00:31.284 [Pipeline] // stage 00:00:31.289 [Pipeline] } 00:00:31.304 [Pipeline] // catchError 00:00:31.313 [Pipeline] stage 00:00:31.315 [Pipeline] { (Post Process) 00:00:31.331 [Pipeline] dir 00:00:31.331 Running in /var/jenkins/workspace/spdk-github-io/post_process 00:00:31.333 [Pipeline] {