00:04:25.906 ========== Backtrace start: ========== 00:04:25.906 00:04:25.906 in /var/jenkins/workspace/vhost-phy-autotest/spdk/test/common/autotest_common.sh:1572 -> opal_revert_cleanup([]) 00:04:25.906 ... 00:04:25.906 1567 return 0 00:04:25.906 1568 fi 00:04:25.906 1569 00:04:25.906 1570 $SPDK_BIN_DIR/spdk_tgt & 00:04:25.906 1571 spdk_tgt_pid=$! 00:04:25.906 1572 waitforlisten $spdk_tgt_pid 00:04:25.906 1573 00:04:25.906 1574 bdf_id=0 00:04:25.906 1575 for bdf in "${bdfs[@]}"; do 00:04:25.906 1576 $rootdir/scripts/rpc.py bdev_nvme_attach_controller -b "nvme"${bdf_id} -t "pcie" -a ${bdf} 00:04:25.906 1577 # Ignore if this fails. 00:04:25.906 ... 00:04:25.906 in /var/jenkins/workspace/vhost-phy-autotest/spdk/autotest.sh:144 -> main(["/var/jenkins/workspace/vhost-phy-autotest/autorun-spdk.conf"]) 00:04:25.906 ... 00:04:25.906 139 $rootdir/scripts/setup.sh 00:04:25.906 140 timing_exit afterboot 00:04:25.906 141 00:04:25.906 142 # Revert existing OPAL to factory settings that may have been left from earlier failed tests. 00:04:25.906 143 # This ensures we won't hit any unexpected failures due to NVMe SSDs being locked. 00:04:25.906 => 144 opal_revert_cleanup 00:04:25.906 145 00:04:25.906 146 ##################### 00:04:25.906 147 # Unit Tests 00:04:25.906 148 ##################### 00:04:25.906 149 00:04:25.906 ... 00:04:25.906 00:04:25.906 ========== Backtrace end ==========