00:26:12.961 ========== Backtrace start: ========== 00:26:12.961 00:26:12.961 in /var/jenkins/workspace/nvmf-phy-autotest/spdk/test/nvmf/host/perf.sh:72 -> main(["--transport=rdma"]) 00:26:12.961 ... 00:26:12.961 67 $rpc_py nvmf_delete_subsystem nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 00:26:12.961 68 00:26:12.961 69 if [ $RUN_NIGHTLY -eq 1 ]; then 00:26:12.961 70 # Configure nvme devices with nvmf lvol_bdev backend 00:26:12.961 71 if [ -n "$local_nvme_trid" ]; then 00:26:12.961 => 72 ls_guid=$($rpc_py bdev_lvol_create_lvstore Nvme0n1 lvs_0) 00:26:12.961 73 get_lvs_free_mb $ls_guid 00:26:12.961 74 # We don't need to create an lvol larger than 20G for this test. 00:26:12.961 75 # decreasing the size of the nested lvol allows us to take less time setting up 00:26:12.961 76 #before running I/O. 00:26:12.961 77 if [ $free_mb -gt 20480 ]; then 00:26:12.961 ... 00:26:12.961 00:26:12.961 ========== Backtrace end ==========