LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - include/spdk_internal - rdma_utils.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 3 3 100.0 %
Date: 2024-12-05 11:28:47 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
       2             :  *   Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
       3             :  */
       4             : 
       5             : #ifndef SPDK_UTILS_RDMA_H
       6             : #define SPDK_UTILS_RDMA_H
       7             : 
       8             : #ifdef __cplusplus
       9             : extern "C" {
      10             : #endif
      11             : 
      12             : /* Contains hooks definition */
      13             : #include "spdk/nvme.h"
      14             : 
      15             : #include <infiniband/verbs.h>
      16             : 
      17             : union spdk_rdma_utils_mr {
      18             :         struct ibv_mr   *mr;
      19             :         uint64_t        key;
      20             : };
      21             : 
      22             : enum SPDK_RDMA_UTILS_TRANSLATION_TYPE {
      23             :         SPDK_RDMA_UTILS_TRANSLATION_MR = 0,
      24             :         SPDK_RDMA_UTILS_TRANSLATION_KEY
      25             : };
      26             : 
      27             : struct spdk_rdma_utils_memory_translation {
      28             :         union spdk_rdma_utils_mr mr_or_key;
      29             :         uint8_t translation_type;
      30             : };
      31             : 
      32             : struct spdk_rdma_utils_mem_map;
      33             : 
      34             : /**
      35             :  * Create a memory map which is used to register Memory Regions and perform address -> memory
      36             :  * key translations
      37             :  *
      38             :  * \param pd Protection Domain which will be used to create Memory Regions
      39             :  * \param hooks Optional hooks which are used to create Protection Domain or ger RKey
      40             :  * \param access_flags Memory access permissions, bitwise combination of values from \b enum ibv_access_flags
      41             :  * \return Pointer to memory map or NULL on failure
      42             :  */
      43             : struct spdk_rdma_utils_mem_map *
      44             : spdk_rdma_utils_create_mem_map(struct ibv_pd *pd, struct spdk_nvme_rdma_hooks *hooks,
      45             :                                uint32_t access_flags);
      46             : 
      47             : /**
      48             :  * Free previously allocated memory map
      49             :  *
      50             :  * \param map Pointer to memory map to free
      51             :  */
      52             : void spdk_rdma_utils_free_mem_map(struct spdk_rdma_utils_mem_map **map);
      53             : 
      54             : /**
      55             :  * Get a translation for the given address and length.
      56             :  *
      57             :  * Note: the user of this function should use address returned in \b translation structure
      58             :  *
      59             :  * \param map Pointer to translation map
      60             :  * \param address Memory address for translation
      61             :  * \param length Length of the memory address
      62             :  * \param[in,out] translation Pointer to translation result to be filled by this function
      63             :  * \retval -EINVAL if translation is not found
      64             :  * \retval 0 translation succeed
      65             :  */
      66             : int spdk_rdma_utils_get_translation(struct spdk_rdma_utils_mem_map *map, void *address,
      67             :                                     size_t length, struct spdk_rdma_utils_memory_translation *translation);
      68             : 
      69             : /**
      70             :  * Helper function for retrieving Local Memory Key. Should be applied to a translation
      71             :  * returned by \b spdk_rdma_utils_get_translation
      72             :  *
      73             :  * \param translation Memory translation
      74             :  * \return Local Memory Key
      75             :  */
      76             : static inline uint32_t
      77         466 : spdk_rdma_utils_memory_translation_get_lkey(
      78             :         struct spdk_rdma_utils_memory_translation *translation)
      79             : {
      80         932 :         return translation->translation_type == SPDK_RDMA_UTILS_TRANSLATION_MR ?
      81         466 :                translation->>lkey : (uint32_t)translation->mr_or_key.key;
      82             : }
      83             : 
      84             : /**
      85             :  * Helper function for retrieving Remote Memory Key. Should be applied to a translation
      86             :  * returned by \b spdk_rdma_utils_get_translation
      87             :  *
      88             :  * \param translation Memory translation
      89             :  * \return Remote Memory Key
      90             :  */
      91             : static inline uint32_t
      92             : spdk_rdma_utils_memory_translation_get_rkey(
      93             :         struct spdk_rdma_utils_memory_translation *translation)
      94             : {
      95             :         return translation->translation_type == SPDK_RDMA_UTILS_TRANSLATION_MR ?
      96             :                translation->>rkey : (uint32_t)translation->mr_or_key.key;
      97             : }
      98             : 
      99             : /**
     100             :  * Get a Protection Domain for an RDMA device context.
     101             :  *
     102             :  * \param context RDMA device context
     103             :  * \return Pointer to the allocated Protection Domain
     104             :  */
     105             : struct ibv_pd *
     106             : spdk_rdma_utils_get_pd(struct ibv_context *context);
     107             : 
     108             : /**
     109             :  * Return a Protection Domain.
     110             :  *
     111             :  * \param pd Pointer to the Protection Domain
     112             :  */
     113             : void spdk_rdma_utils_put_pd(struct ibv_pd *pd);
     114             : 
     115             : /**
     116             :  * Get memory domain for the specified protection domain.
     117             :  *
     118             :  * If memory domain does not exist for the specified protection domain, it will be allocated.
     119             :  * If memory domain already exists, reference will be increased.
     120             :  *
     121             :  * \param pd Protection domain of memory domain
     122             :  * \return Pointer to memory domain or NULL;
     123             :  */
     124             : struct spdk_memory_domain *spdk_rdma_utils_get_memory_domain(struct ibv_pd *pd);
     125             : 
     126             : /**
     127             :  * Release a reference to a memory domain, which will be destroyed when reference becomes 0.
     128             :  *
     129             :  * \param _domain Pointer to memory domain
     130             :  * \return 0 on success, negated errno on failure
     131             :  */
     132             : int spdk_rdma_utils_put_memory_domain(struct spdk_memory_domain *_domain);
     133             : 
     134             : struct rdma_cm_id;
     135             : /**
     136             :  * Get the NUMA ID for the local interface associated with the given cm_id.
     137             :  *
     138             :  * \param cm_id cm_id
     139             :  * \return NUMA ID
     140             :  */
     141             : int32_t spdk_rdma_cm_id_get_numa_id(struct rdma_cm_id *cm_id);
     142             : 
     143             : #ifdef __cplusplus
     144             : }
     145             : #endif
     146             : 
     147             : #endif /* SPDK_RDMA_UTILS_H */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.15