No Matches

spdkcli is a command-line management application for SPDK. spdkcli has support for most transport protocols and bdev modules.


Dependencies are installed by scripts/pkgdep.sh. Package dependencies at the moment include:

  • configshell

Some distributions name the package configshell_fb.

Example usage

Start SPDK application

./build/bin/vhost -c vhost.json

Run spdkcli

spdkcli should be run with the same privileges as SPDK application.

To use spdkcli in interactive mode:


Use "help" command to get a list of available commands for each tree node.

It is also possible to use spdkcli to run just a single command, just use the command as an argument to the application. For example, to view current configuration and immediately exit:

scripts/spdkcli.py ls

Optional - create Python virtual environment

You can use Python virtual environment if you don't want to litter your system Python installation.

First create the virtual environment:

cd spdk
mkdir venv
virtualenv-3 ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

Then install the dependencies using pip. That way dependencies will be installed only inside the virtual environment.

(venv) pip install configshell-fb

Tip: if you are using "sudo" instead of root account, it is suggested to do "sudo -s" before activating the environment. This is because venv might not work correctly when calling spdkcli with sudo, like "sudo python spdkcli.py" - some environment variables might not be passed and you will experience errors.